Want to Become a Space Policy Expert? Liberal Arts Offers a Good Start, Nunn School Graduate Tells Students

US Capitol in Washington DC

When it comes to space, policy is where it’s at, Ivan Allen College alum Kaitlyn Johnson, International Affairs 2014, told a room full of aspiring aerospace sector employees in the first of a new series of presentations on careers in space policy.

“There’s policy for everything. Every science and technology career field or specialization has someone in D.C. working on the political side to either get you funding, get you support on the Hill, or pass regulations to allow innovative companies to exist and pursue things,” said Johnson, deputy director of the Strategic Initiatives Group at the U.S. Space Force.

Johnson was on campus Sept. 19 to speak to postdoctoral researcher Thomas González Roberts’ space policy class and to headline a career talk open to students from across campus.

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