PaddleSats and the Unlocking of Limitless Clean Energy From Space Oct 4

October 4, 2024 at 11am: Atlanta’s IEEE AP/MTT joint-chapter is hosting its kickoff event with a lunch and learn on October 4th from 11AM-12PM EST at the GTRI Conference Center on 14th Street. We will briefly discuss this year’s activity plans for IEEE AP/MTT Atlanta and how to get involved with this joint-chapter. As a treat, we invited Dr. Gregory Durgin of Georgia Tech to give a talk titled: “PaddleSats and the Unlocking of Limitless Clean Energy from Space.” Food will be provided. Anyone interested is welcome to attend!

Please register with the link:

Planetary Science Astrobiology Seminar Oct 4

October 4, 2024 at 11am: Format: Hybrid, In person at ES&T L1175 and Virtual via Zoom (synchronous) at 11am

Virtual meeting information
Meeting ID: 990 2516 1765
Passcode: 564312
Phone: +1 669 444 9171 US

Aug. 23 Dr. Frances Rivera-Hernández & Dr. Christopher Carr (Welcome,
Astrobiology updates, and announcements)
Aug. 30 Dr. Yubo Su, Princeton
Sept. 6 Dr. James Wray, Georgia Tech
Sept. 13 Dr. Xinting Yu, UT San Antonio
Sept. 20 Dr. Ziyu Huang, Georgia Tech
Sept. 27 Dr. Indujaa Ganesh, GT (ExplOrigins Event) – Diferent Zoom link!!!
Oct. 4 Dr. Margaret Kosal, Georgia Tech
Oct. 11 Dr. Hubbard James, Agnes Scott
Oct. 18 TBD
Oct. 25 Dr. Alka Rani, NASA MSFC
Nov. 1 TBD
Nov. 15 Dr. Olga Harrington Pinto Auburn University (may move to Nov. 1st.)
Nov. 22 TBD

EAS Seminar Series – Ice Rheology: Here, There, and Everywhere

October 3, 2024 at 11am: Dr. Christine McCarthy, LDEO, Colombia University

Abstract: Fleeting on our planet, seemingly ubiquitous in the solar system, ice is one of the most common yet most enigmatic of materials. My research seeks to understand everything from Antarctic ice stream flow rates to tidal dissipation and mechanical heating mechanisms on icy moons of the outer solar system. I will present results from experimental studies on the frictional and anelastic properties of ice over a range of conditions and discuss how these may aid in understanding and exploration of the cryosphere, here, there, and everywhere. 

Date/Time: Thursday, October 3, 2024 – 11:00am to 12:00pm

Location: Location: ES&T L1205

Light refreshments will be served

Astronomy on Tap Atlanta – Listening to Black Holes

September 30, 2024 at 6:30: Black Hole Plasmas and the Event Horizon Telescope & Listening to Black Holes: Gravitational Waves and How We Detect Them

Limerick Junction Pub @ 822 North Highland Avenue Northeast Atlanta

On September 30, 2024 at 6:30 pm to 8 pm

Each Astronomy on Tap event features accessible, engaging presentations on space and science topics ranging from planets to black holes to galaxies to the beginning of the Universe, along with trivia, games, prizes, music, and other surprises!

Planetary Science Astrobiology Seminar Sept 27

September 27, 2024 at 11am: Format: Hybrid, In person at ES&T L1175 and Virtual via Zoom (synchronous) at 11am

Virtual meeting information
Meeting ID: 990 2516 1765
Passcode: 564312
Phone: +1 669 444 9171 US

Aug. 23 Dr. Frances Rivera-Hernández & Dr. Christopher Carr (Welcome,
Astrobiology updates, and announcements)
Aug. 30 Dr. Yubo Su, Princeton
Sept. 6 Dr. James Wray, Georgia Tech
Sept. 13 Dr. Xinting Yu, UT San Antonio
Sept. 20 Dr. Ziyu Huang, Georgia Tech
Sept. 27 Dr. Indujaa Ganesh, GT (ExplOrigins Event) – Diferent Zoom link!!!
Oct. 4 Dr. Margaret Kosal, Georgia Tech
Oct. 11 Dr. Hubbard James, Agnes Scott
Oct. 18 TBD
Oct. 25 Dr. Alka Rani, NASA MSFC
Nov. 1 TBD
Nov. 15 Dr. Olga Harrington Pinto Auburn University (may move to Nov. 1st.)
Nov. 22 TBD

Electromagnetic and multi-messenger searches for supermassive black hole binaries

September 23, 2024 at 3:30pm: As part of the School Of Physics Fall Colloquium Series, Jessie Runnoe (Vanderbilt University) presents: Electromagnetic and multi-messenger searches for supermassive black hole binaries

Supermassive black hole binaries are thought to be an inevitable product of the prevailing galaxy evolution scenarios where most massive galaxies host a central black hole and undergo mergers over cosmic time. The early stages of this process have been observed in the form of interacting galaxy pairs and widely separated dual quasars, but the close, gravitationally bound binaries that are expected to follow have proven elusive. The detection of this population is important because at the smallest separations they become bright sources of low-frequency gravitational waves and are prime targets for multi-messenger detections with pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) and the upcoming Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). In this talk, I will discuss observational signatures of binary supermassive black holes and prospects for multi-messenger detections with electromagnetic facilities and gravitational wave detectors.

Date/Time: Date: Monday, September 23, 2024 – 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Location: Marcus Nanotechnology 1116-1118

Event details here.